The first few days of postpartum were challenging for me. Maybe it was the mix of hormones, new emotions, tired eyes or a body that was worn out from labor. Whatever it was, it left me feeling just plain "overwhelmed". The word overwhelmed literally means to be drowning beneath a huge mass. What a confusing feeling for me to have right after God gave me the most beautiful blessing that he's called me
to take care of. I confessed my feelings to Benji and he reminded me that feeling overwhelmed is real, but it isn't my reality. In the moment that truth tasted sour, but later it was oh so sweet [because hard words are gracious (Prov. 27:6)]. That feeling is a real emotion helping me gage my experience, but my feelings often don't take into account the work of salvation. My life has been totally transformed by Christ and
sometimes those feelings need a newsflash about who's in charge now (Gal. 2:20).
Even though this job ahead of me feels emotionally and physically overwhelming, it is the exact opposite. It's actually the 'goldilocks' job. Not too easy, not too hard. It's "just right" because it's exactly what God gave me to do today. Which is true for every believer, every job, every day. It's true not just for the career jobs but "little
jobs" too; like house chores, homework, maintaining relationships and mowing the lawn (Eph. 2:10; 1 Cor. 10:31). But that's not to say ignore how you feel and "just do it" because God said so. God isn't merely concerned with getting the job done (although we will by His power, Amen!). He's concerned with our attitudes and hearts (Ps. 51:16-17). A "just do it" attitude is like us putting away the dishes as loudly as possible while huffing and puffing so that the whole house is aware that we're not happy with the chore we were assigned. But at least we "just did it", right? No, Christians don't "just do it" they cheerfully obey. Cheerful obedience is a marker that we are in-fact God's children (1 Jn 5:3).
Obedience is also our grace. When we don't know what to do next and feel overwhelmed, we have a starting line to put ourselves on: obedience. For me these days obedience is late night feedings, stretch marks, poopy diapers, laundry in the hamper and a grateful attitude. And sometimes getting my attitude right is the hardest task of them all. But it's the most important and impactful kingdom work I can be doing today. So join me! If you don't know what obedience looks like for you in your season, begin by working on your attitude towards the
things God has for you to do today. When the negative feelings creep in submit them to the Lord, place them under His feet and just obey.
"But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord." 1 Corinthians 15:58