Proverbs 31:26
[26] She opens her mouth with wisdom,
and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.
Prayer Point
Begin your prayers today with confession. Confess recent situations in which you have neglected to open your mouth with wisdom and kindness. Ask the Holy Spirit to grace your tongue today, that you might have the right timing, the right words and the right attitude while communicating. Thank Jesus for his blood that covers you daily, and His sacrifice that cleanses all unrighteousness and gives you the power by which you can be both wise and kind.
Go to your people today and confess any way that you've spoken to them with a lack of wisdom or unkindness. You might need to confess hurtful words, snarky undertones, unhelpful comments in the midst of a tense sitiation, speaking out of frustration, lying or even withholding kindness from someone because of jealousy. Once you confess those things, this is important, do not wallow in how much you suck as a wife, are a bad mom or a terrible sister, friend etc. Remind your soul, that once you make confession to the Lord and the person you've sinned against you are clean. Now you have the power of the Spirit to be a wife that builds up her husband, a mom that is kind to her children, a wise friend who speaks words of truth, or a kind sister who settles disputes because in Him you can do all things.