Popes and Feminists: How the Reformation Frees Women from Feminism
by Elise Crapuchettes
three stars - Definitely a well researched book in the area of women's impact in the Reformation! Felt the title was a bit misleading. On the other hand, I learned a lot about how women's rights, education and spiritual liberties were truly shaped by the rejection of pre-reformation Catholic doctrine and practice. Chapter 17-20 were my favorite and could stand alone as a concise summary of the whole book.
For Mission: The Need for Scriptural Cultural Theology
by Joseph Boot
five stars - Every believer needs to read this! Short, concise but powerful analysis of the mission of the Kingdom of God and what role the Christian and the Church must begin to play in it. I also appreciated his critique of both gnostic "churchanity" and the "social gospel" influenced Greek philosophy which separates reason/logic from spirit/supernatural.
Learning Contentment
by Nancy Wilson
five stars -The gentle but swift spiritual kick in the pants I believe every Christian woman needs! Nancy is both convicting and so encouraging. She equips the female believer not to be enslaved by fickle emotions but be freed to live by the Truth of Christ.
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