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Toddler Discipleship

Mason Sherrill

I’m not an expert by any means, but as Greg Bahnsen was fond of saying “it’s not whether, but which”. Even if we feel ill-equipped to disciple our children we can’t opt out until we feel prepared. We will be discipling them no matter what. It’s not whether we will be discipling them, but which standards we will use to do so. Here are some resources that help me stay the Biblical course.


Catechesis Books

Ican recommend Psalms of Praise, Holy Week, Let there be Light & First Bible Basics. We have the First Bible Basics in Spanish (Primeros Principios Bíblicos). I've not read the others but I really love the ones we have!

Tiny Hands Books

These are our daily morning devotional guides right now. If I could recommend just two I'd say you must get the hymns and prayers!

The Biggest Story Bible

So far, my favorite "kids’ Bible" with chapter summaries of Scripture & a prayer following each chapter. The chapters are short enough for my husband to read one chapter each night to our son before bed!


Jamie Soles

Hands down one of my favorites! They might be for kids, but boy do I learn from these songs and often find myself in need of their Biblical encouragement! Anything by him is great.

The Corner Room - Scripture Songs for Little Ones

Straight scripture memory! I have memorized many a verses from this album.

Getty Kids Hymnal

Hymns from the Church! So nice to have fun, upbeat versions of the classics.

Brian Sauvé - Catechism Songs

Westminster Shorter Catechism Songs! So catchy & easy to memorize.

My spotify playlist with some of these albums and more.

Visual Media

The Good News Guys YouTube Channel

These guys have tons of music videos, but also short little "Bible lessons" that, from what I have seen, are Biblically sound. They have a YouTube channel and all their songs are also in albums on spotify.


I've plugged this before, but guys this is the best monthly subscription our family pays for. It is worth its weight in gold to us! Audiobooks, teaching videos, sermons, cartoons, documentaries etc. Specifically with Moses, we watch the animated storybook videos, nature documentary & Superman cartoon.

Other resources

The Westminster Kids' Catechism

We try to intentionally teach Moses the answers to these questions little by little! Specifically, we work on the at the dinner table with dad.

Family Worship Bible Guide

Another dinner time activity! My husband reads one chapter of Scripture and then we talk through the questions in this book. We try to keep it short & simple, but meaningful.

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